👋 I’m Veronica

I’m a Startmate Fellow (autumn 21) + ex Google tech lawyer turned High Performance Coach for VCs/Entrepreneurs/Professionals 🦸‍♀️.. (oh… and good food enthusiast 👩‍🍳 ).

Beyond the bell curve is the summary of my best insights on:

  • The Startmate Fellowship (a 2m program that gives insider access into the ANZ startup ecosystem)

  • Startups 101 in ANZ

  • Self development 🔧

So that you can 🚀 in your career and life + build a life you love.

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Startup info + Startmate Fellowship Autumn 21 + self development for the people living an accelerated life beyond the bell curve


👋 I’m a high performance coach, writer, creator and Startmate Fellow for Autumn 2021.